Thursday, July 5, 2012

How is Bamboo Thread Made?

Bamboo is a renewable source found in Asian countries and other countries and cities around the world. Even when you cut down bamboo, the plant keeps growing. Since in replenishes itself over time, using bamboo is a simple yet ancient way to go green. Bamboo has a thick and hard outside with a softer material on the inside. Manufacturers use bamboo for flooring, furniture and as fabric. You can now find bamboo sheets in a variety of colors and textures. The manufacturers make these sheets from threaded yarn made with broken down cellulose fiber of bamboo. Depending on how the manufacturer makes the thread, it can be thick like yarn or thinner for fabric and sheets.
From this to Bamboo Sheets
Making bamboo thread involves a distillation process. The manufacturer removes the leaves and woody stalks of the bamboo plants and pushes those pieces through a grinder. The grinder breaks the pieces into smaller and thinner pieces. After pouring the mixture into another machine, the manufacturer adds a special combination of chemicals and water. The mixture sits in the liquid for hours or days. This mixture breaks down the fibers from the bamboo plant into a cellulose mixture called pulp.  The next step in the process involves creating the individual threads. 

To make the threads, the manufacturer sends the pulp through a machine that filters the pulp. The filers remove any toxins or natural contaminants, as well as any residue left behind by the chemicals. Once the filters remove the toxins, the pulp soaks in bleach. The bleach removes any colors left behind by the manufacturing process, and leaves the bamboo pure white. If desired, color is then added to the bamboo pulp with liquid dyes. Once the bamboo reaches the color required, it goes through a different machine that forms the bamboo into long threads called yarn. Depending on the final use for the threads, the manufacturer might bind the threads together to form thicker pieces. 

The finished bamboo threads are suitable for a number of different uses, including clothing and bedsheets. Bamboo threads are stronger than other types of thread, which makes the material a great choice for sheets.  The manufacturing process makes the bamboo as soft as well-worn cotton that is satisfyingly cool on warm summer nights. The finished sheets come in dozens of different colors and are long-lasting. A simple set of bamboo sheets can last for years, if not longer. Bamboo fabric is also biodegradable, so when your sheets reach then end of their life, they can be composted and returned to the earth.The soft texture and the variety of colors make bamboo sheets a great choice for any home.

Check out our selection of Bamboo sheets, available in all the bed sizes we support, at

Sleep Well,


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